2019年8月27日 星期二








Use specific, well-explored theory to drive the inclusion of controls, which goes beyond simple statements like, “previous researchers used this control” or “this variable is correlated with my outcomes.”  If you believe that a specific relationship may be contaminating your results, this may be justification for a control, but you should explicit state why and defend this decision when describing your methods. 

Don’t control for demographic variables, e.g. race, gender, sex, age. For example, if you find a gender difference in your outcome of interest, controlling for that variable may hide real variance in the outcome that could be explained by whatever real phenomenon is causing that difference.  In my own research are, it is not uncommon to control for age when examining the effects of technology on outcomes of interest (e.g. learning).  But age does not itself cause trouble with technology; instead, underlying differences like familiarity with technology or comfort with technology or other characteristics may be driving those differences.  Simply controlling for age not only removes “real” variance that should remain in the equation but also camouflages a real relationship of interest.

Richard, N. L. (2011). Stats and Methods Urban Legend 2: Control Variables Improve Your Study.
Paul, E. S., & Michael, T. B. (2011). Methodological Urban Legends: The Misuse of Statistical Control Variables. Organizational Research Methods, 14(2), 287-305.




請問在 SEM 模型中,有一個潛變數要做 EFA, 請問可以用搜集到的所有樣本先做 EFA, 然後再用相同的這些樣本做 SEM 嗎?還是要用一些樣本做 EFA, 然後用總體中剩下的那部分樣本做 SEM ?